Saturday 6 December 2014

Education is..

Education is a combination of knowledge, skills, experience, and wisdom. It could be acquired in academe or in personal experiences. It is the strongest foundation for a brighter future. Without education, we cannot see the differences among things and we could also be a subject for violation of our rights.

Education is the most precious things that we can inherit from our parents. It is the only thing that no one can acquire from us. It is our key to become awake from the reality of life. It can be our best weapon to attain our dreams. All things in this world are just temporary, it will fade away as time goes by, but the education and wisdom of a person remains until the end of time.

 A person without education can easily deceive by anyone, but a person who possess knowledge, wisdom, and skills has the ability to resist and preserve his rights. 

Family is a small yet strongest foundation of our country. The family consists of two parents and their children. The parents have a big responsibility in shaping and molding their children to possess good characteristics and become socially responsible citizen.

According to the elders, an attitude of a person reflects his family. It means that whatever you do, whether good or bad, represents how your family shapes you. If you do great things, like helping the community programs in your barangay, people will say “wow that is the son of Juan Dela Cruz, a very nice person”.  

If God becomes the center of a family, it can endure everything, even the hardest circumstances. Faith, hope, and love are the strongest foundation of a family.


Love is a vast and a deep word which denotes a strong feeling of affection, compassion, and emotional attachment which we can get from interpersonal relationships. Love varies from different levels as we aged; as a toddler, the first love that a person feels are paternal love and maternal love; as an adolescence and adult; a person feels affection from opposite sex and so on.

Love is a greatest gift from God, without love, we are nothing. If love is not present in the hearth of each persons, chaos and irregularities reign in our society. The majority of the 10 Commandments are based from love: love God above all, love thy neighbor, love and respect your parents, and so on. If you are trying to do something wrong from a person, it is not an act of love. Love is from God and Anger is from Evil. Love is the supreme ruler of humanity.

From the perspective of two couple, love is everything. It is the strongest foundation of a relationship together with trust and faith. A person can do everything and nothing is impossible in the name of love. It is a powerful feeling which makes you feel happy, lively, and it uplifts someone’s morale. If love reigns in the heart and mind of two individual, they can endure everything even the hardest circumstances that will be going their way.